
Wireshark pcap editing
Wireshark pcap editing

Menu > Edit > Preferences > Protocols > DLT_USER > Edit > New:.At the end of the file: dofile( “ a “ ).get ( " udp.port" ) - register our protocol to handle udp port 7777 udp_table : add ( 7777, trivial_proto )

wireshark pcap editing

buffer ( 3, 1 ): uint ()) end - load the udp.port table udp_table = DissectorTable. buffer ( 2, 1 ): uint ()) subtree : add ( buffer ( 3, 1 ), " The 4th byte: ". buffer ( 0, 2 ): uint ()) subtree = subtree : add ( buffer ( 2, 2 ), " The next two bytes" ) subtree : add ( buffer ( 2, 1 ), " The 3rd byte: ". protocol = " TRIVIAL" local subtree = tree : add ( trivial_proto, buffer (), " Trivial Protocol Data" ) subtree : add ( buffer ( 0, 2 ), " The first two bytes: ". dissector ( buffer, pinfo, tree ) pinfo. trivial protocol example - declare our protocol trivial_proto = Proto ( " trivial", " Trivial Protocol" ) - create a function to dissect it function trivial_proto.

Wireshark pcap editing